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This is a regression to the womb space to identify and heal any trauma that may have occurred from Conception to Delivery. I recently began studying the Metaphysical Anatomy Technique and was blown away by the personal breakthroughs I made via this modality. I especially resonated with their technique of healing pre- birth trauma through a regression to the womb space. I would like to share this healing with you as the collective reclaims its power and works towards coming into a more perfect union with self.


If you are female in body, this has greater implications as even as you were growing in the womb, you would have been in possession of all the eggs that you would have in this lifetime. So whatever was happening to your mom was also happening to you and was also been imprinted on your eggs. If you did not know your biological mom, it's also an opportunity to understand what was happening and extend love and compassion towards here in furtherance of healing that mother wound. This healing also has implications for the healing of the planet as any healing that is done to the womb space ripples out in the greatest womb of all- Planet Earth.


If you would like to see what this modality entails, you can check out the replay of the Live session that was held on the 08/08 portal this year. You can check that out here-


I am offering two options relevant to this healing modality. You can either commission a Remote Healing which involves me tuning into the womb space and recording what I see and applying healing as I go along. I will then send this video recording via private YouTube link to you. You can order this through this product listing.


And I am also offering a 1hr LIVE One on One session with me where I guide you through the regression and you and I tune in and apply healing together. You can order this by clicking on this link-


The session should take 1 hr and I will tune in and heal any trauma that may have occurred in the womb space by tuning into,

- The Amniotic Fluid

- The Placenta

- The Umbilical Cord

- You, the baby

- Your mother when she was pregnant

- The atmosphere in the womb

And I have added the Delivery to this list. The information that I get through tuning in will point me to what should be healed and concentrated on during the healing session.


Refund/ Cancellation- There are no refunds or cancellations for this service

Rescheduling- You can reschedule up to 48 hours before your scheduled appointment. You are allowed to reschedule only once. If you you aren't able to make it to the rescheduled appointment, it will be treated as a No Show

No Shows- Please note that there are no refunds for this service. If you do not show up, I will do a remote session and send the recording to you via private YouTube link.

Late Arrivals- If you are more than 10 mins late, I will record a Remote session and send it to you via private YouTube link.


You will need the following:

  • A stable internet connection
  • Earphones with a mic
  • A quiet place to sit or lie down without distractions or interruptions



Remote Pre- Birth Trauma Healing Service

  • Refund- There are no refunds for this service.

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